Media | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content


You can find our media releases and public statements here, with the most recent releases at the top of the page. In addition to what is listed on this page, you may be interested in relevant media statements made by the Minister for Resources, which includes the RSHQ portfolio.

Mackay former miners urged to check lung health

25 Jul 2024

N.B. Bookings are essential for this service. RSHQ kindly asks that media promote the following line when writing stories: "Call 1300 445 715 to book" or link to this website: Contact | Miners' health matters (

92kg of illegal fireworks seized at Qld border

05 Jul 2024

A two-day operation to stop illegal fireworks from entering Queensland has wrapped up at the Northern Territory-Queensland border.

RSHQ investigates Grosvenor coal mine fire

01 Jul 2024

In the morning of Saturday 29 June, Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) was notified of an ignition of methane at Grosvenor coal mine in Moranbah, west of Mackay.

Mine disaster exercise prepares coal workers for underground emergencies

13 May 2024

The results from two underground emergency exercises at a Queensland coal mine have been released, and the annual event has been hailed another success.

Medical provider suspended for substandard testing of Qld coal miners

09 May 2024

The state's resources regulator, Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ), has sent a strong message to medical providers about putting the health of coal mine workers at risk through substandard medical screening.

New animation encourages Qld resources industry to report high potential incidents

02 May 2024

A new animation shows why reporting incidents is critical to keeping Queensland resource workers safe.

Danger of explosives put on display at RSHQ event

22 Apr 2024

The state's resources regulator has blown up 16 explosives in front of a crowd of more than 100 people to improve education in the resources sector.

Mining hazards front and centre at industry meeting

10 Apr 2024

The brilliant minds that keep miners safe across Queensland have met in Brisbane to address key issues facing the industry.

Van explosion sparks warning for holidaymakers over Easter long weekend

27 Mar 2024

The state's resources regulator is warning that a common cooking appliance could become a bomb on board vehicles like caravans, 4WDs and vans, if used incorrectly.

Leg crush injury recreated to improve safety at Queensland mines

25 Mar 2024

A new animated video that recreates the moment a mine worker was badly injured is being sent to mines across Queensland.

Free lung checks return to Rockhampton

19 Mar 2024

N.B. Bookings are essential for this service. RSHQ kindly asks that media promote the following line when writing stories: "To book, call the Mine Dust Health Support Service on 1300 445 715" or link to this website: Contact | Miners' health matters (

Medical experts join forces to fight black lung disease

05 Mar 2024

International medical experts and radiologists from across Queensland have met in Brisbane to continue to improve the way they screen for diseases like black lung and silicosis.

RSHQ launches investigation into Bauhinia gas leak

05 Mar 2024

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) was informed of a gas leak to a pipeline near Bauhinia earlier this morning.

Mount Isa retired miner encourages his mates to get free lung checks

20 Feb 2024

N.B. Bookings are essential for this service. RSHQ kindly asks that media promote the following line when writing stories: "To book, call the Mine Dust Health Support Service on 1300 445 715" or link to this website: Contact | Miners' health matters (

HEART5 celebrates two-year anniversary with free lung checks in Cairns

01 Feb 2024

Former and retired Queensland mine and quarry workers in Cairns are being urged to sign up for a free lung check when the mobile health truck 'HEART5' visits this month.

Explosives regulator warns against illegal fireworks on Australia Day

24 Jan 2024

The state's resources regulator is reminding Queenslanders to do the right thing and leave the fireworks to licenced professionals over the upcoming long weekend.

Investigation launched into Saraji mine fatality

16 Jan 2024

Queensland's regulator for the resources sector, Resources Safety and Health Investigation (RSHQ), has launched an investigation into an incident at Saraji mine on Monday 15 January 2024.

New training to improve safety in Queensland's resources sector

11 Jan 2024

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has developed a new training course that aims to share the lessons from historic disasters, to improve safety and health outcomes in mines and quarries.

Common kitchen product could protect you from a gas explosion this Christmas

21 Dec 2023

If it bubbles, you're in trouble.

Lifechanging free lung checks on offer for Hervey Bay former miners

19 Dec 2023

The Fraser Coast Sports and Recreation Precinct will be the next stop for a mobile health unit called HEART5, that helps detect mine dust lung diseases, like black lung and silicosis.

Illegal fireworks cause lifelong scars for Queensland mother

16 Dec 2023

Lisa Vanderweyde still gets emotional every time she talks about the horrific incident that left her scarred for life on New Years Eve in 2016.

Safety warning for gas appliances damaged by Cyclone Jasper

15 Dec 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has issued an urgent warning to businesses and homeowners following Cyclone Jasper.

Fireworks injury sparks new recommendations for operators

08 Dec 2023

The regulator for fireworks in Queensland has today recommended changes to the way certain fireworks are used, after a woman was hit by fireworks debris.

Hidden danger found on Qld sugarcane farms

06 Dec 2023

Inspectors at Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) are urging sugarcane farmers to check their properties for potentially deadly explosives.

Storm season increases risk to worker safety at Qld mines

28 Nov 2023

The state's safety regulator for the resources industry is warning mine sites to prepare for storm season and put the safety of workers first.

Free lung tests come to the Sunshine Coast

21 Nov 2023

N.B. Bookings are essential for this service. RSHQ kindly asks that media promote the following line when writing stories: "To book, call the Mine Dust Health Support Service on 1300 445 715" or link to this website: Contact | Miners' health matters (

Dugald River mine fatality investigation update

17 Nov 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) investigators have presented a brief of evidence to the Office of the Work Health and Safety Prosecutor regarding the mine fatality at Dugald River earlier this year.

New safety campaign to reduce gas explosions and serious injuries

06 Nov 2023

Business owners in the hospitality and catering industry are being urged to put gas safety on their menu, as a new campaign launches in time for the busy holiday period.

Partial amputation triggers warning from mine safety regulator

26 Oct 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) is urging mine sites to be more hands on when it comes to preventing one of the mining industry's most common incidents.

Free lung tests come to Mackay and Proserpine

19 Oct 2023

Graham Bowcock, 74, is living proof that getting a lung checkup can change your life for the better.

Joint taskforce cracks down on unsafe transportation of explosives

06 Oct 2023

A joint taskforce has found an alarming number of vehicles carrying explosives across Queensland have defects, putting road users at risk.

El Niño event increases heat risk at Queensland mines

05 Oct 2023

Queensland mine workers are starting to experience the effects of hot weather conditions as summer approaches and the country enters an El Niño weather event.

Memorial service pays tribute to lives lost at Queensland mines

19 Sep 2023

Queensland's resources sector today remembered the 1,506 lives lost at Queensland mines and quarries for Miners Memorial Day.

RSHQ officers ensure Riverfire goes off with a bang

31 Aug 2023

Officers from Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) are performing their final safety inspections on fireworks before Riverfire kicks off for another year.

Free health checks detect lung diseases in retired miners

30 Aug 2023

A mobile health unit that travels around Queensland offering free lung checks for retired and former Queensland mine and quarry workers is coming to Mount Isa from 18 – 20 September 2023.

Emergency exercises prepare coal mine workers for the real deal

18 Aug 2023

Queensland’s biggest underground coal mine exercise is about to kick off for another year, and for the first time Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) is releasing footage from the mock emergency.

Qld mining industry caught dozing off on dozer rollovers

15 Aug 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) is cracking down on Queensland coal mines that are failing to protect workers from dozer rollover incidents.

RSHQ inspectors eliminate dangers at this year’s Ekka

10 Aug 2023

The countdown is on until the Ekka kicks off for another year, but before the fun can begin, Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) is making sure fireworks and food vendors are up to code.

RSHQ spots dangerous pattern at Queensland coal mines

03 Aug 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) officials are calling on Queensland coal mines to improve the way they operate articulated mobile cranes, following a spike in incidents.

Feedback wanted from industry workers to improve safety

26 Jul 2023

The Competency Standard (CS) is now under review by the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate within Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ), and they’re seeking feedback from industry insiders through a discussion paper that’s been released today.

Border operation prevents illegal fireworks entering Queensland

12 Jul 2023

Officers from Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) and Queensland Police Service (QPS) undertook a three day blitz on motorists entering Queensland from the Northern Territory to conduct safety checks and seize illegal fireworks after Territory Day.

Doctor training program continues to support medicals for miners

28 Mar 2023

Doctors approved by Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) to carry out medicals for mine and quarry workers must successfully complete RSHQ’s Statutory Medicals for Mine and Quarry Workers training program.

RSHQ’s response to the Transport and Resource Committee’s inquiry into coal mining industry safety

17 Feb 2023

RSHQ made a number of submissions during the Transport and Resource Committee’s inquiry into coal mining industry safety and welcomes the release of its report.

Compliance directives issued after serious mining incidents

08 Feb 2023

Resources Safety and Health Queensland has issued compliance directives to mine operators following a series of serious incidents at Central Queensland coal mines involving mobile equipment operating on coal stockpiles.

Confidential complaints and incident reporting

19 Jan 2023

Court refuses stay of enforcement action against former mine officials

12 May 2022

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has successfully resisted an application to suspend the effect of enforcement action taken against two former officials of North Goonyella mine, while an appeal of the enforcement action is underway.

Industry leader briefings reinforce the need for change

04 May 2022

Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) today released its annual briefing for the resources industry to provoke thought, discussion and action from industry leaders.

Quarry operators on notice to improve safety performance

14 Dec 2021

A quarry operator in the Darling Downs region has been fined $45,000 for failing to discharge its obligation to ensure that risk to workers at the quarry was at an acceptable level.

Doctor’s registration with RSHQ suspended for substandard medical examinations

01 Nov 2021

On 13 September 2021, a doctor’s approval under the Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme was suspended for 12 months after failing to show due care and skill in carrying out medical examinations.

Former North Goonyella mine officials’ statutory certificates of competency cancelled

12 Oct 2021

On 11 October 2021, the Chief Executive Officer, Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) cancelled the statutory certificates of competency of two former officials at North Goonyella coal mine, finalising an enforcement process relating to an underground fire that occurred at the mine in 2018.

Queensland Coal Mining Board of Inquiry’s part 2 report tabled in parliament

11 Jun 2021

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) welcomes the Queensland Coal Mining Board of Inquiry’s part 2 report, tabled in the Queensland parliament on Monday 14 June 2021 by the Honourable Scott Stewart MP, Minister for Resources.

Quarry operator fined $180,000 for breaching safety obligations resulting in the loss of a young man’s life

26 Feb 2021

On 25 February 2021 a quarry operator and two of its employees pleaded guilty and were sentenced in the Emerald Industrial Magistrates Court for offences relating to failing to ensure risk to persons from quarrying operations was at an acceptable level.

Company fined $60,000 for failing in its general obligation to keep risk to an acceptable level

04 Feb 2021

On 29 January 2021, the defendant company pleaded guilty and was sentenced in the Brisbane Magistrates Court for failing in its general obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure no person was exposed to an unacceptable level of risk in relation to high pressure cleaning equipment (operating plant) that a worker was using at a gas wellsite near Clifford Queensland.

An individual was fined $5,000 and ordered to pay $2,000 in compensation for unlicensed gas work

23 Jan 2021

On 18 March 2021, the defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced in the Maroochydore Magistrates Court for carrying out unlicensed gas work and failing to comply with safety requirements by leaving an open-ended pipe uncapped. The defendant was also ordered to pay $2,000 in compensation to the injured worker.

RSHQ compliance: FY21 plan and YTD actual

30 Oct 2020

RSHQ publishes quarterly figures on the number of audits, inspections and complaint investigations we have conducted across the petroleum, explosives, mining and quarrying sectors.

Miners Memorial Day Service 2020 live event

10 Sep 2020

Miners Memorial Day will be streamed online so everyone, no matter where they are, can participate in this important event.

RSHQ compliance: FY20 delivery and FY21 plan

08 Sep 2020

RSHQ publishes quarterly figures on the number of audits, inspections and complaint investigations we have conducted across the petroleum, explosives, mining and quarrying sectors.

Last updated: 26 Jul 2023