Feedback wanted from industry workers to improve safety | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content

Feedback wanted from industry workers to improve safety

26 July 2023

The Competency Standard (CS) is now under review by the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate within Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ), and they’re seeking feedback from industry insiders through a discussion paper that’s been released today.

The CS was established in 2009 after a coronial inquest into the death of Scott Karajic at Berwyndale South.

The mandated education package was put in place to protect the safety of rig workers, supervisors and senior drilling company personnel.

The CS remains largely untouched since 2009 even though there have been significant changes to technology and worker requirements in drilling and well servicing over the years.

Inspections and audits by RSHQ’s Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate reveal the Competency Standard may not be meeting the minimum safety and education requirements for all workers in drilling and well-servicing.

“Drilling and well-servicing operations are high-risk and hazardous activities involving heavy and mobile machinery, high levels of exposure to dust and explosive substances, significant physical activity, and remote locations requiring long shifts and off-site accommodation,” said Shoena Messner, Chief Inspector of the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate at RSHQ.

“A contemporary regulatory framework that sets the competency standards for drilling and well servicing workers aligns with RSHQ’s strategic objective to be an exemplar expert regulator.”

To improve the quality, RSHQ would like to hear from:

  • rig workers and supervisors
  • holders of petroleum tenure
  • operators of drilling operating plant (drilling and well servicing contractors)
  • workers who conduct drilling and well service-related training under the Resources and Infrastructure Industry training package.

Feedback about the current competency framework can be submitted by email to

Responses are due by 5pm on Wednesday 23 August 2023.

RSHQ may publish feedback and responses in full on its website, unless the feedback or response provided is clearly marked as being in-confidence by its author.

Media contact

Amy McCann

0457 094 250

Last updated: 26 Jul 2023