Storm season increases risk to worker safety at Qld mines | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content

Storm season increases risk to worker safety at Qld mines

28 November 2023

The state's safety regulator for the resources industry is warning mine sites to prepare for storm season and put the safety of workers first.

Storm season runs from October through to the end of April, and Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) is pushing for more precautions to be taken at worksites.

RSHQ's Chief Operating Officer Rob Djukic said there's been issues in previous years with fabric building structures like igloos that aren't capable of withstanding loads.

"They should never be considered a place of safety during severe weather events," said Mr Djukic.

"Those structures need regular maintenance, but don't just stop there.

"Make sure you're assessing all site facilities deemed to be places of safety during severe weather events."

RSHQ's recommends site do the following during a lightning strike:

  • Operations should cease when lightning is detected within an appropriately determined distance from the worksite.
  • Vehicles should be driven to a designated safe lay-down area.
  • Operators of vehicles should be transported to a safe shelter away from the equipment.
  • Workers should not return to work until an "all clear' has been given.

Lighting strikes have also been known to cause tyre explosions at mine sites.

For more information on risk management during a lightning strike, check out RSHQ's safety bulletin.


Media contact

Amy McCann

0457 094 250

Last updated: 28 Nov 2023